Study Abroad Programs at the Universidad Nacional Autnomal de Mexico

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The Universidad Nacional Autnomal de Mexico, also known as UNAM, is located in Mexico City, and offers three study abroad programs. One of these programs is administered by an outside provider. The university offers two study abroad programs for international students, and one for domestic students. Below is a brief description of the study abroad programs available at UNAM. You can also search other universities in Mexico by city to find the one that best meets your educational needs.

The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) is a large public research university in Mexico City. It enrolls over 300,000 students and has satellite campuses across the country. Founded in 1783, the campus is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, with buildings designed by some of Mexico’s most celebrated architects of the 20th century. Its stunning architecture features prestigious murals by Mexican artists. Several Nobel Prize winners are associated with UNAM.

The National Autonomous University of Mexico is the largest university in Latin America. It is comprised of 14 campuses in Mexico and four branch universities in the U.S. The university’s campuses have more than 13,000 students and more than 1,000 professors. Founded in 1551, the university has been one of the most prestigious public research universities in Latin America. It offers undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral degree programs.

LANCIC aims to develop new materials for conservation, integrate databases and improve protocols for analyzing cultural heritage. Its research programs include specialized courses, workshops, public seminars and collaboration with exhibitions in museums. There are about forty academics, 40 PhD students, and seven doctoral programs. In addition, the university is linked to the CONACYT National Network of Cultural Heritage laboratories in Mexico.

The central campus of UNAM is a prime example of 20th century modernism. It blends modernism, historicist regionalalism, and plastic integration to create a campus that stands out in the city. It is one of the few models in the world where modern architecture principles were completely applied. Architects and designers interpreted these principles to provide a better quality of life for man.

Another educational institution of note is Instituto Politecnico Nacional, or the National Polytechnic Institute. It offers 57 undergraduate degrees, including one in English. Undergraduate degrees generally require nine semesters of study. Three-to-five semester master’s degrees are available, and eleven doctorate degrees vary in length and academic field. Founded in 1936, Instituto Politecnico Nacional is one of the largest public universities in Mexico, with 17,581 undergraduate and high school students.